Tonsillitis is good for what?

Tonsillitis is good for what? inflammation of the tonsils and adversely affect a person's quality of life is one of the upper respiratory tract disease. Tonsil in the Bosporus region contained some microbes to accumulate in the throat, the region's irritation.

Almost everyone knows what tonsils. However, the tonsils in the body, there is no precise information about everyone's tasks. The tonsils are located on both sides of the boğazımızın tissue in the mouth and two in every human being. These are part of the body's defense system. Especially in childhood, which entered the body through the nose and mouth way bacteria, viruses such as hastalandırıcı agents hunt, fight them secrete the immune substances called antibodies, the task of the. These organs according to the much larger and active child, erişkine. General resistance of the body system in young children against foreign aggressors is not prepared for is too much a burden that falls to the tonsil.

Tonsillitis in people with complaints like fatigue, fevers, pain occurs. Tonsillitis is experiencing extreme heat or extreme cold until the issue is resolved in the beverage and food should not be consumed. In the same way extreme hot and spicy foods can cause irritation and redness in the area.

Tonsillitis Is Good For What?

Black Mulberry molasses tonsillitis is one of the good. People who like to consume molasses black Mulberry syrup and also can control the problem.

Dried or fresh rose petals in the water a few obtained by boiling 1 cup of water 3 times a day if tonsillitis gargle against.

Castor oil is a kind of a useful oil against inflammation of the tonsils.

A small amount of Sage vinegar and honey mixed with anti inflammatory can be consumed. The consistency of the mixture should be a little more watery paste consistency. The resulting mixture of antibiotics play an important role in eliminating inflammation, creating impact.

1 Quince by dividing 1 by four in the water during the night. The resulting water is used as a mouthwash.

1 cup hot water into black pepper, cinnamon and honey and mix. The resulting mixture is consumed on a regular basis against inflammation of the tonsils.

Made with salt water gargle in the treatment of pain caused by the inflammation cause the region to be useful.

two medium-sized dry onion shells within r. Into 1 tablespoon olive oil and saute onions until his death. Roasting onions wrapped a clean tülbentte spread the Bosporus region.

A small amount of red grape vinegar and dried Chamomile 1 cup water into the firing of one day will be held. The waiting period is completed will the mixture the consistency of the pulp. Pulp consistency was excluded from the water with vinegar in a clean field daisies tülbentte spread are wrapped to the Bosporus region.

Inflammation of the throat, as long as the drink by mixing honey with warm water on a regular basis.

Anti inflammatory for 2-3 cloves of garlic a day should be eaten.

Vervain water should be made against regular tonsillitis gargle with.

30 grams Turkey depends on root 1 cup water into the mixture. The mixture is left to infuse for 20 minutes by boiling for 2 minutes. Served with honey and lemon tea prepared with 1 cup a day.

10 dried figs cooked with half a litre of milk by chopped cubes. 3 tablespoons a day are consumed. It is good against milk and fig tonsillitis.

Sumac, flax seeds and Althea roots boiled in the same sizes based on a cezveye. Boiling the mixture through cheesecloth feculence is removed. The resulting pulp is wrapped a clean tülbentte were placed into the throat. When applied to regular tonsillitis every day and it will be against the pain.

Zerdeçalın has anti-inflammatory effect. Turmeric when tonsillitis as a mouthwash against. 1 cup boiling water 1 tsp powdered turmeric added. The mixture can be used as a mouthwash after hot spring. Tonsillitis against turmeric tea is also useful. Served with honey and lemon tea prepared with 2-3 cups a day.

Cinnamon tea can be consumed against the prepared in the form of tonsillitis. Cinnamon has a bacteria inhibitor. 1 cup boiling water and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder into 5 minutes. The wait period completes cinnamon tea can be consumed against tonsillitis.

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