Cause causes the inflammation that occurs after teeth? symptoms and treatment

Cause inflammation after tooth extraction after the formation of abscess or pus formation, just Showin' up quite a common health problem. Usually a few days after a tooth extraction can occur, as can also be seen in a couple of weeks sometimes. Prior to the treatment of inflammation that occurs after tooth extraction, causing inflammation that causes factor should be identified. After tooth extraction infection more likely to withdrawal occurs with 20 teeth. 20 after the withdrawal of formations of the teeth showing Alveolitis griping can cause inflammation of the gums every day. Usually people think on the mend, but they still complain about Alveolitis continues.

Tooth extraction, then the remaining tooth in the region may have missed part of the inflammation is a factor that can lead to. The weather is very hot summer days the new left of the teeth taken space, is at high risk of inflammation in the tooth socket. In the same way dental pit until closing, the wound until food and fluid consumption, too hot too cold, things you need to be careful not to eat or drink. Also not to pay attention to the hygiene of the mouth after tooth extraction in the region can lead to abscesses and inflammation.

Symptoms of Inflammation After tooth extraction
Sclerenchyma starts and pain
Sensitivity to hot and cold thing
Symptoms include pus or pus flowing from the gums.

What Are The Risks Of Inflammation After Tooth Extraction?

Gum inflammation that occurs after the shots can lead to very serious problems. İltihaplanmadan heart, kidney, and liver may be affected. The body is under the threat of some sort of infection. Infection can reach up to other organs via blood. For this reason, consisting of teeth inflammation never should not be underestimated. Must be referred to a specialist physician at the time was the difference.

How To Treat Inflammation After Tooth Extraction?

Tooth that occurs after the inflammation usually can be alleviated with antibiotic therapy. But if it's part of the teeth, causing inflammation in the gums, inflammation to recur after treatment. For this reason, before treatment, causing inflammation and identified the factors that must be eliminated.

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