The sores are prevent pregnancy?

Inflammation prevents to become pregnant?

Protect the health of the reproductive system is an important factor to stay pregnant. One of the first digit of the reproductive health protection genital organ inflammation that can occur is early diagnosis and treatment for. Both males and females is common inflammation problems just as common in women or only men are also seen in inflammation problems. As with every type of İltihapların dangerous inflammation that occurs in the genital area are serious problems. Even prevents pregnancy. Most frequently encountered in the reproductive system inflammation serious discomfort to the person when the varieties can can lead to permanent damage. The cause of the inflammation that occurs in the reproductive system and infertility problems can be revealed.

Types Of Inflammation Engelleyebilecek To Get Pregnant That Contain:

One of the most frequently encountered inflammation in women with vaginal infection. Vaginal infection in women exposed to reveal the most common complaints, foul-smelling discharge, itching, pain, sexual togetherness now include a burning sensation when urinating. Fungi, bacteria and some parasites is vaginal infection-causing factors.

The fungus inflammation that leads to a particular period of pregnancy, birth control pills and antibiotics are most frequently seen in use. The fungus formed due to a discharge like white and cheese cut in vaginitis. Vaginal thrush sperm reaching the egg destroys the environment of the vagina by preventing. Adversely affects the process of sperm stay alive. It is very easy to configure the treatment of vaginal infections. The fungus problem with impact on drugs can be controlled easily.

The cause of vaginosis bacteria again is called inflammation the foul-smelling and a yellowish color is discharge occurs. The same infection may also occur in men, but does not lead any complaint in men. Infection in women reproductive system by affecting negatively restricts the movement of sperm. Prevents increases the possibility of as low as helps facilitate conception. It is easily treatable with antibiotics is a type of a infection.

Chlamydia Infections

Chlamydia infections are sexually transmitted and quite common type of a infection. Chlamydia infection odorless discharge, bleeding, sexual relationship between instant pain can lead to complaints, such as complaints may not be any why. When there is no adhesion and infection control in tubes can prevent being pregnant by causing blockage.
As can be seen in women, chlamydia can also occur in men. Penis discharge, burning sensation during urination can lead to such complaints. Infertility problems living men and women in terms of detailed investigation of chlamydia infection. He was diagnosed with the disease is diagnosed by performing the required examinations for diseases and antibiotic treatment. In women, inflammation of advanced laparoscopy method with congestion is detected can be referenced to in vitro fertilization treatment for pregnancy.


Gonorrhea causes inflammation that can infect one of the serious sexually. Most of the time and discharge any way whether a symptom, back pain and can lead to disorders of menstruation. The same infection can also occur in men. A burning sensation when urinating and inflammation that leads to complaints such as pain, serious problems with the way blood can lead to quite a spread. Tubes lead to adhesions and obstruction in women, while in men it can cause infertility by blocking the passage of sperm. The disease can be controlled with antibiotic therapy.

Herpes Simplex Virus Infections

Herpes virus known as herpes virus among the population. Serious pain in the genital area that leads to ulcers. Erkelerde penis, cervix and vagina in women is serious ulcers seen in person. Symptoms such as muscle pain, fever, and fatigue can occur. Infecting a infection is likely to recur sexually. The cause of the inflammation caused by pain, does not allow sexual Association and therefore the probability of pregnancy occurring are reduced.


Shows the formation of with bacteria cause syphilis and can lead to life-threatening. As with other infections diseases with sexual together. Antibiotic treatment with disease often can be controlled. If the disease is untreated, disease-causing bacteria in the body becomes permanent. After a short period of time the sores in the genital area. Bed sores are fever, hair loss can lead to such complaints. Is a type of a infection to become pregnant again. It is important to be treated with both peers will be.

Genital Warts

Cervix and vagina in women is penis warts can occur in men. Plants that cause inflammation of the vagina can be corrupting the structure imkansızlaştır to get pregnant. Some variants of the virus, cervical cancer or cervix can lead to tissue disorder. If genital

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