It causes inflammation of the middle ear? symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the middle ear, behind the eardrum is inflammation occurring. The apartment is between the ear with the nose. The language of medicine "Otitis media". Usually seen in children with middle-ear infections may also occur in adults. In children is quite common and easy to treat middle ear infection is usually a cold or flu and then 2-3 days later. Middle ear infection develops in three ways:

Acute otitis media: inflammation of the middle ear developed all of a sudden.
Recurrent otitis media: inflammation of the middle ear in case of recurrence of the attacks returned to normal and continuous.
Chronic effusion otitis media: inflammation is often resistant to treatment and it is painless.

The human ear is made up of three parts: the outer ear, middle ear and inner ear. Between the inner and outer ear, the middle ear, is the name given in the space. The external ear is separated by a membrane and has three ossicles. These are; the anvil, hammer and the Stirrup. This is to ensure that our task of hearing ossicles.

Symptoms Of Middle Ear İltihaplanmasının

Inflammation of the middle ear is seen first signs of a cold.

Runny nose can be seen. The stream follows the congestion and the consistency of koyulaşarak yellowish color.

Occasional mild headache.

Sore throat middle ear inflammation gives the signal.

In infants, the unrest and continuously shut up before I could cry.

The most important symptom of babies cry all the time is to take his hand to his ear.

Redness of the ears is.

In children and adults headaches.

Tips On Middle Ear Infections In Children

Inflammation of the middle ear in children under three years of age is 90% likely to spend.

How much does a child at a young age would be so if the recurrence of the infection. I mean, it will increase the frequency of recurrence.

Boys breast milk for more than six months has been decreasing risk of inflammation of the middle ear to the fields.

If the infection is increasing the odds of smoking in the House is the child.

Male children are often the girls are caught in the middle ear infections than children.

The nursery children more infection. Because the closed area is unhealthy for the environment where a large number of children.

The probability of infection varies according to the seasons. Especially in the winter, inflammation of the middle ear occurs more than write.

The process of diagnosis and Treatment of middle ear İltihaplanmasının

An instrument called an Otoscope during examination of the eardrum. Examination during the middle ear iltihaplanmasının according to different symptoms. Inflammation of the bacteria in the ear drum is swelling and redness. In some cases the eardrum punctured as a result of this breakdown of liquid. If culture is taken from this liquid. Iltihaplanmada caused by blockage of the eustachian tube is not the reason bacteria and is seen in the right dice Interior collapsed. Chronic inflammation of the middle ear hearing test should be made of. If the middle ear pressure, pressure measurement is made. Radiological examination of CT's middle ear infection for healthy results.

Treatment Of Middle Ear İltihaplanmasının

Inflammation of the middle ear to the severity of the inflammation when decided that treatment and considered how much has since occurred. ENT doctor by doing the necessary research of treatment method to decide. In the first hearing test is done. Then controlled the middle ear pressure. Increased fluid in the middle ear and the middle ear pressure increasing the infection occurs. This is called timpanogram tetkikle. Then treatment is decided.

Treatment Options

Antibiotics: antibiotic consumption most frequently seen in Turkey because the middle ear infection. Middle ear iltihaplanmasının as can be seen in most cases without the use of antibiotics is observed improvement within two weeks. But sometimes antibiotics when not in use, middle ear inflammation of bone called the mastoid process behind the join condition occurs. Such a situation is encountered or need surgery or prolonged antibiotic treatment. Therefore to avoid such a direct chance, just in case you start antibiotics.

Can be used as long as the pain is pain relievers:. But aspirin blood sulandırdığı should not be used as this may cause cause dangerous consequences for.

Decongestants simply disguise: drop-shaped pills. The mucosa of the upper respiratory tract and Eustachian tube are prohibitive drops in the swelling and inflammation.

Vaccines: Inflammation can be applied to some vaccines protect against.

Surgical intervention: none of the other treatment methods didn't work out as a last resort in case of surgical intervention is considered.

Possible Complications Of Middle Ear Infection

Inflammation of the middle ear inflammation of the mastoid process, located on the back of the ear bones grow require long-term antibiotic treatment or surgical intervention.

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