Causes inflammation of the stomach? symptoms and treatment

Stomach flu in General, is known as gastritis and inflammation of the stomach lining that inconvenience the public properties is an array of discomfort is a term encountered as defined. The reason for this discomfort many of them are bacteria that cause ulcers. In addition, traumatic injury, the use of some pain killers and that factors such as excessive alcohol consumption causes discomfort.

The problem arose suddenly or slowly over time, we can say that it has two different type. Watching these two different resulting from "acute gastritis" and "chronic gastritis" names.
Acute gastritis; suddenly appears and indicates that the sempton.
chronic gastritis; there for a while, and over time, showing the effects of moving slowly, also known as gastroenteritis, which can repeat.

In addition, for many people a lot of serious problems, gastritis, although not living as soon as possible in the realization of the treatment.

Stomach Flu Symptoms
Upper abdominal pain and burning sensation after meals, indigestion
In the upper abdomen feeling of indigestion after meals
Poor appetite
Belching or bloating in the stomach
Weight loss
In General, it is possible to run into issues with this type of acute gastritte. These are the typical symptoms, although other than that seen in the patient vomit blood is inflammation and even serious stomach bleeding is handed in. Even patients with dark-colored vomit blood vomiting or immediate medical attention can also be targeted.

Per each person during a specific term indigestion, heartburn and vomiting issues. This is just to see the symptoms of stomach flu does not mean that is experiencing the problem. However these symptoms continue for more than a week of cases you should consult a doctor. Especially in such cases be seen vomiting blood or blood in the stool a PhD doesn't necessarily make you a great deal of importance to go without wasting time. Haemorrhage seen in the color of the stool in black tar is one of the distinctive sign, too.

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