Tonsillitis is caused? symptoms and treatment

Tonsillitis the tonsils the body's defense mechanisms are referred to an abscess occurring in between. This abscess swelling of her throat a large mostly of people and hurt as a result. When we look at the basis of this discomfort, mouth via from microbes have created by birikmek in the tonsil inflammation.

Tonsillitis Symptoms

Yutkunmada strain
Sore throat
Swelling in the throat and neck
Voice change
Nausea and vomiting in pediatric patients

These are typical symptoms of tonsillitis. According to the level of the disease and it is also possible to see an approximation would be more severe symptoms.

Causes Of Tonsil Inflammation

The first reason is the accumulated germs in the mouth. The reason for this discomfort in other hast olabilmeltedir. Tonsillitis that causes other diseases in the body.

Kidney inflammation
Inflammation of the heart
Neck infection
Lung infection
Bone marrow infection
Middle ear infection
Joint infection

Diagnosis and treatment of tonsil Inflammation

Ear, nose and throat specialist diagnosed with a disease, is made by tonsillitis can be easily identified with a simple physical examination. This diagnosis is a person after drug therapy it is possible to be treated uygulanılarak. First patient microbes to break a given antibiotics. Pain and pain medication to cut the rising fever of the person and antipyretic. In addition to the medication the patient must take care of and can heal in less time with the implementation of some applications. The patient can apply measures at home to inflammation of the tonsils can be listed as:

Herself healthy and plenty of rest
Drink lots of water
Extreme cold or extreme heat to stay away from the food and beverage
During the day, gargling with salt water
Take plenty of fruit consumed vitamins
Throat lozenges can relieve the Strait by using
Stay away from cigarettes and smoke
Lay asked environment often referenced and aerate

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