Ass causes inflammation? symptoms and treatment

The formation of abscess, perianal abscess, anorectal Inflammation Makatta or anal abscess. Although a type of publication that is quite arduous treatment for inflammation. Rectal inflammation problem are usually unwilling to go to the doctor or from being treated. Due to the private parts and the breech requires surgical intervention was generally late, is a type of inflammation treated by. 90% of rectal abscess that occurs in anus channel anal gear line I mean four or ten to the linea dentata secretory gland blockage and inflammation occurs as a result of. Anal abscess consists of the collection of pus as a result of inflammation that occurs with makatta. Anal abscess, anal glands due to inflammation. Makatta this by secreting mucus glands whose main task is to facilitate the exodus of stool. This situation requires an urgent surgical intervention is an important disease. This disease only become visible in every age group but 30 and is seen more in the 40s. The incidence of this disease incidence in males is more according to women. Most increased during spring and summer of soft stool. Watery stools, perception is the departure point for the cloth cover your disease sparking new. According to the settlement, different names. These names;

What are the symptoms of inflammation and Makatta Apsenin?

During defecation pain in anus occurs and starts that way. Then the redness, swelling and warmth in anus, the increase in the level of symptoms such as emerging. Other than these symptoms in patients with rectal inflammation, fever, weakness and sweating from the form of symptoms arise.

Makatta Inflammation and Anal Abscess Cause occur?

Makatta is composed of the inflammation and the formation of an abscess, anal anal anal any surgical intervention, applied to a zone in the region of trauma, the presence of a fistula, anal fissure-the earlier anal abscess caused by things like the story. Still, the inflammation and the formation of makatta long-lasting anal abscess caused by diarrhea. Still, excessive alcohol consumption, excessive weight gain among the risk factors.

Makatta Infection and Anal abscess, how is it spread?

Increasing the amount of pus is applied because of the pressure of intersfinkterik abscess, shows the correct spread to neighboring tissues surrounding himself and in this way reach the perianal skin moving down space and leads to the formation of the perianal abscess by growing. Diagnosis and treatment of inflammation and abscess how late is the disease spread so fast and complex situation.

How is the diagnosis of inflammation and Makatta Anal Abscess?

A lot of patients to be examined for diagnosis and treatment. Sometimes, ultrasound or MRI for diagnosis and treatment may be required.

Makatta Infection and Anal Abscess treatment methods:

The purpose of the treatment of inflammation and anal abscess that occurs Makatta, belongs to the anus symptoms and General infection cases also fix the inflammation and abscess that complicated anal fistula a case or some other pathologies such as to prevent triggering. Surgical treatment of anal abscess. Applied to the patient under anesthesia abscess drainage. The closest place to the anus, is selected for the incision. Abscess after it has been freed in the region consisting of pain, fever and other infections quickly will be the healing process. Sitting in hot water bath, painkillers and antibiotics can be used.

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