Causes inflammation of the foot? symptoms and treatment

Standing inflammation, injury, walk on wet or hard ground, dirt, tar-like many reasons can lead to inflammation of the foot. In addition, Allergy and immune system is one of the contributing factors in the foot inflammation. The lesions form of leak over time, starting with the rash begins to flow.

Standing some irritation and inflammation can occur depending on skin diseases. If irritation occurs, depending on the damaging elements removed by itself without the need for any intervention. However, some skin diseases if not necessarily connected to a doctor. Choosing the wrong shoes or shoes with foot inflammation long hours may occur due to stop. Standing inflammation as well as redness itself with standing water collected. If there is no need to blow up a lot of water collected. But water is greater than the liquid collection to occur in hygienic conditions or scavenged out of inflammation. Inflammation of the hygienic conditions are being supplied.

Is the most common cause of ringworm infection occurs when standing up. Thrush treatment may continue for a long time. The treatment used medication to arrest the disease. To the irritation of the use of moisturizing cream for inflammation. If you have reason for a long time a bubble of water bacteria. They should be taken very seriously because of the bacteria infection. This type of inflammation can be needed antibiotic for treatment. Foot sweating right to protect shoes and anti inflammatory for the feet special compression stockings should be used. Day of the shoe to wear by changing different 2 shoes can be a solution to be ventilated.

Causes of inflammation after surgery? symptoms and treatment

Post-operative inflammation, due to any disease can be applied after surgery inflammation. Sometimes a little in the body are carried out or applied effects can lead to an inflammation. IV or oral surgical applications send more respond to treatment is applied as a last resort when it is received. After their surgeries discomfort and how to tell whether the natural healing process of complaints?

Naturally, the body after surgery applied to resistance and weak. Therefore, the operation of the zone is exposed to harmful bacteria and germs, so that the necessary measures must be taken. How much surgery is applied to apply scrupulously applied some complications may develop infection in the region blocked the development. Swelling, redness in the area of the surgery this infection, inflammation, skin color differences and weakness can lead to such complaints.

Postoperative Following Inflammations

After the operation is applied to the care of the patient complaint is fixed and the inflammation process aims to check the. But how much precaution should be taken in some cases it may not be possible to prevent inflammation. A patient's lives follow the differences and abnormal situation must refer to the doctor without losing time. This behavior is an important detail for identification and identification of the problem.

Swelling and Redness: swelling and stiffness in Surgery fried can be an indication of the formation of the formation of pus.

Headache and body pain: pain in the head or body to another party after surgery is one of the most frequent complaints. Where the operation is applied to the pain and discomfort is normal. But experienced pain so severe and extends up to the head area may be caused by inflammation. In such cases must be referred to a doctor immediately.

Pus: pus that occurs in the operation of the most serious inflammation after surgery. Depending on some factors cut applied when infected pus may occur. In some cases, yellow pus or blood that occurs can be seen with. In the face of a serious complication like this more serious must be referenced to a doctor immediately to avoid problems.

Fever: mild fever after Surgery is quite normal. However you need to worry about 38 degrees fever has passed. After surgery to prevent a complication that may occur due to fire is often her body temperature to be measured. Ali, along with complaints like weakness and malaise may indicate formations.

The temperature at the site of the incision: incision after surgery when the heat in the region manually contact feeling, an indication of the location of the incision is exposed to can inflammation.

Other Symptoms For Inflammation After Surgery
Toilet needs when you are troubleshooting problems
Urine and stool color difference that occurs
Loss of appetite
Respiratory difficulties
After surgery to live according to the shape of the operation to be applied to inflammations. However, a regular maintenance of inflammation that can occur can be alleviated with. After the surgery the doctor ordered rest enough and complying with the recommendations, it is possible to protect them from infection.

Toenail infection is caused? symptoms and treatment

Toenail infection, popularly known as scarf. Puffy spends quite a lot of pain to the person even cannot wear shoes and scarf walked people limp. Where the skin of the feet with nails, dead skin tightly. Toenail is damaged this area on the protective function of the skin tight cracks occurred because the lost cause inflammation can cause factors. Because of these factors toenail infection occurs.

I Hadn't Noticed The Foot İltihaplanmanın Symptoms

Puffy is usually located in the hand or foot is seen in people with more water. Toenail develops inflammation occurring in slow and refresh all the time. Intumescent exudes pus around the toenail. Damaged by exposure to toenail is not properly the surface usually. Toe nails around the color change can be monitored. Acute occurring in scarf usually consists of injuries occurring in the toenails. According to the chronic acute wrap scarf gives more pain and suddenly develops.

I Hadn't Noticed The Foot İltihaplanmanın Causes
Nail foot with skin tight skin damage due to water and SOAP may develop as a result.
Your feet are more in water weakens the skin and cause it to remain tight. This can cause inflammation in the çatlamada region of toenail.
Injuries that occurred in other toenails.
I Hadn't Noticed The Foot İltihaplanmanın Treatment
If they nail bed acute iltihaplanmada pus occurring with expert physicians drained abscess with a small surgery intervention made by.
The second method of treatment is antibiotics taken oral ingestion of too.
Sulphur ointment to treat expulsion upon both the scarf and stop the pain.
Formed as a result of injury and light mixture of alcohol with other like that prescribe some gentian violet purple scarf Microbe killer responds to a number of factors.
Even treatment chronic occurring in scarf wrapped around the culture before he was replaced by the fungus causing bacteria or to sex.

How is gingivitis?

How to pass question gingivitis and tooth inflammation has elapsed from our mind, when we forget. This type of inflammation has ceased to be a regional health problem, has become a global problem. The most important reason for this is that human health, the health problems that occur at any point in the body often takes a concern is linked to. People no longer a health problem before he committed to work to prevent the problem.

Prior to the treatment of gingivitis, this problem is and how it should be known what emerged. Inflammation of the gums, known as periodontitis teeth in the surrounding bone and gum tissues that can occur in a type of a infection. The teeth are visible on the outer side, and parts to other parts of the root called jawbone thin nerve is connected by wires. Etlerde problem formation, globular cluster in your gums. At the same time also affect portions of the tooth bone inflammation. As a result, the affected parts of the bone begins to sway and rotten teeth, even if affected by the withdrawal.

How is gingivitis?

From the first time than the discomfort is a problem that should be heeded. The dentist will suggest treatment leads to gum inflammation primarily in line with the Tartar and plaque must be cleaned of. Gum inflammation is important in early detection and appropriate treatment, in the introduction. Made from gum inflammation disease progress, diagnostic method of treatment, dental stones followed in and regain the gums with a clean record of the process. Only at this stage, the need to focus on the point to be examined on a regular basis of the teeth and dental stone and plaque formation is to make regular cleaning to prevent. In addition, another important point once you know how it went in everyday life of inflammation also is to continue cleaning. Everyday oral and dental hygiene will apply only to do with the treatment that the dentist the gingivitis will show more optimism to expect to pass.

Below İbrahim Saraçoplunun gingivitis, you can follow the recommendations for. ..

Signs of gingivitis

In General, some of these health problems more unheeded are symptoms. Said symptoms include; He got the red color or smell that occurs in the mouth, swollen gums, bad taste sensation that can occur in the mouth, over time, becomes crooked teeth, Gingivitis is the most common symptoms.

It causes inflammation of the brain? symptoms and treatment

Inflammation Of The Brain; in the medical literature refers to encephalitis. Factors such as bacteria, viruses, poisons the blood and lymph path to the brain. Compacting factors causes the brain inflammation. However, a dangerous inflammation of the brain starts the process that occurs. Although this situation is a very serious life-threatening. Stops the spread level placement, inflammation of the brain tissue tends to lead to death, the nerve tissue of the affected area shows the different features according to size. There are many different reasons why of brain inflammation in various regions, and as such, encephalitis, different symptoms. This disease occurs in two ways. These are the primary and secondary encephalitis encephalitis is the name of the. The primary part of the disease, according to the more common and frequent secondary ensefalite.

Causes Of Brain Inflammation

Inflammation of the brain that is itself in many ways this disease called encephalitis. Different forms of fungi, bacteria, the brain and the brain membrane (meninges), parasites that are effective in the formation of inflammation. However, the term "encephalitis is only used for inflammation caused by viruses. Located in central nervous system inflammation of acute virus generally classified in this way. Acute viral encephalitis so enfesalit the brain tissue. After these infections seen in brain-spinal cord inflammation (ensefalomiyetliler) presents itself as a likasyonu break off the infection. Today, some of the virus seen in the season is about. more than 40 viruses are responsible for infection central nervous system.

Symptoms of brain Inflammation and brain Inflammation, the emergence

Is the cause of the inflammation of the brain and can be seen in many different parts of the brain. This is the most common symptom present tends to sleep. In some cases tend to sleep afterward. Sometimes seen unusual drowsiness (lethargy) instead of psikomotorun symptoms of excessive stimulation (excitation) can be seen a stubborn insomnia. (psychomotor: mental or spiritual muscle movement, depending on the event) The resulting high fever along with the headaches, paralysis, which can be viewed in both eyes, falling asleep more trend, weakness, fatigue, appetite, like mild stiffness in his neck, pharyngitis, findings. Never fire the person in some cases higher. Sometimes, an increase can be as large as 38 degrees but suddenly drops. Irregular setbacks emerging and serious ailment. This decline;
Eye disorders,
Disorders of sleep patterns,
Mental disorders,
Muscle tension

Eye Disorders

The fall of the eyelids the eyes and double vision (diplopia) (ptoz) combined with strabismus. The fall of the eyelids is sometimes only formal. So drop the eyelids tend to sleep. Seen a lot of cases when patients wake, though eyelids infection. A stroke that occurs in the muscles of the eyes (ophthalmoplegia) usually is not complete. This paralysis that occurs then the eyes inward or outward as a strabismus, and double vision. A stroke that occurs in the muscles of the eyes is a transient state. In General, along with excessive sleep in a few days or even weeks. Catching this illness less double head nerves. Single or two-sided facial paralysis, seen much more rarely swallowing, chewing and speech disorders. Arms and legs are paralyzed in the rare and psychomotor overstimulation can be seen with.

Disorders Of Sleep Patterns

The specific symptoms of the disease. Usually excessive, continuous sleep tendency or sometimes a real sluggishness. These States are seen in a few days, a few weeks or even a few months can be seen. The resulting simple tend to sleep, or sleep glut seen in mild cases the patient wakes up in an easy way and responds to stimuli in this way takes the usual functions of the autonomic nervous system. If the patient begins to doze off, external stimuli comes sick right away. Even while eating usually sit and sometimes even sleepiness. In cases of severe lethargy, sleep is much more deep and long. Even patients with severe warnings are clear evidence to wake for just a few seconds. The patient is then continues to sleep where it left off. Very rarely seen in the form of progress, the coma patient's lethargy, urine and stool incontinence, nutrition and severe stimuli but snouts do facts though. Sometimes the patient's sleep tends to come at regular intervals or the shifts are emerging. As regular or irregular intervals. Sometimes it is as different from the usual sleep mental activities continued as normal in a sleep state. In many cases tends to sleep often

Causes inflammation of the stomach? symptoms and treatment

Stomach flu in General, is known as gastritis and inflammation of the stomach lining that inconvenience the public properties is an array of discomfort is a term encountered as defined. The reason for this discomfort many of them are bacteria that cause ulcers. In addition, traumatic injury, the use of some pain killers and that factors such as excessive alcohol consumption causes discomfort.

The problem arose suddenly or slowly over time, we can say that it has two different type. Watching these two different resulting from "acute gastritis" and "chronic gastritis" names.
Acute gastritis; suddenly appears and indicates that the sempton.
chronic gastritis; there for a while, and over time, showing the effects of moving slowly, also known as gastroenteritis, which can repeat.

In addition, for many people a lot of serious problems, gastritis, although not living as soon as possible in the realization of the treatment.

Stomach Flu Symptoms
Upper abdominal pain and burning sensation after meals, indigestion
In the upper abdomen feeling of indigestion after meals
Poor appetite
Belching or bloating in the stomach
Weight loss
In General, it is possible to run into issues with this type of acute gastritte. These are the typical symptoms, although other than that seen in the patient vomit blood is inflammation and even serious stomach bleeding is handed in. Even patients with dark-colored vomit blood vomiting or immediate medical attention can also be targeted.

Per each person during a specific term indigestion, heartburn and vomiting issues. This is just to see the symptoms of stomach flu does not mean that is experiencing the problem. However these symptoms continue for more than a week of cases you should consult a doctor. Especially in such cases be seen vomiting blood or blood in the stool a PhD doesn't necessarily make you a great deal of importance to go without wasting time. Haemorrhage seen in the color of the stool in black tar is one of the distinctive sign, too.

Causes inflammation of the gums in infants? symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the gums in infants, in the field of health, as always in the treatment of gingivitis, but rather to give importance to preventive measures. In General, starting from mothers during pregnancy the mother and baby should be provided regularly through adolescence dentist control. It's about educating, informing and correct oral and dental health habits are the teeth and gum disease ensuring yield protection possible. Oral and dental health problems in early diagnosis and treatment have a better chance of success. Starting at an early age toothbrushing habit, proper nutrition, regular dentist control and preventive dental treatment can be achieved through the reduction of problems.

In the babies mouth and dental care with milk teeth. For this reason, when seeing the first milk teeth, baby teeth should be taken to a doctor. Inflammation of the gums and tooth decay to protect babies from constantly kept under control and the importance of oral dental care should be shown. Gum and teeth problems, lifetime will be effective, it must maintain the protective measures to be taken for life. Infants and children according to the anatomical aspects of adult gum edge more convex structure because you need more cleaning attention. Because they eat foods are usually soft because this section are cumulative, can cause inflammation of the gums. Therefore starting in infancy age oral and dental care Omar are not shown.

Prevention of dental caries in infants gum inflammation and what can be done?

The sugar content of foods and drugs in early stages of dental caries and carelessly use gum may cause inflammation. Bottle-fed infants given nutrients into honey, sugar, jam sweet products should not be added. Night feeding they wouldn't land these things, even if it's just the sweetener in your sippy in cow's milk can cause tooth decay, too. These can cause gum inflammation progresses. Likewise, breastfed infants may be influenced by the content of milk sugar. That's why infants milk teeth on his mother's side with a soft brush or moist piece of night before going to sleep, night feeding, then be cleaned without using PuTTY.

Baby people of dental caries and gingivitis in their mouth due to the influence of infectious germs to pass the baby, the baby's spoon is definitely should not use. Search babies meals, in the context of the sugar and carbohydrates they consume the nutrients often, teeth and gum would be objectionable in terms of. This is why nutrition especially in the wake of the drinking water should be provided.

Babies milk while teeth pretty anorexic, restless. In this period is the gum itching hands and need to get other things in their mouths. During this period, make sure that everything they take in their mouths should and, if possible, clean with hygiene dental meat massage should be applied.

As is the case with everybody in the prevention of gingivitis baby teeth occurs when an active maintenance and cleaning to be done. For this reason, milk teeth without toothpaste twice daily with a soft brush should be cleaned by using a damp cheesecloth or with. Especially at night-fed babies inside the mouth and teeth should be cleaned, this cannot be made after the baby necessarily nutrition water içirilmelidir.

Tooth root causes inflammation? symptoms and treatment

Dental health is an important unit that affect quality of life. Dişlerinizdeki or in your mouth problems indirectly affects your health and your quality of life in the body, mouth and dental health is extremely important. Inflammation of the tooth root, usually bacteria accumulation is an infection that occurs. This inflammation; white blood cells, dead tissue and bacteria is a foul-smelling liquid that consists of. If left untreated is an inflammation that can damage the entire body. The main cause of the inflammation occurs when the root of teeth, dental facing neighboring gum parts of her flesh the plaque buildup. If not enough attention to oral hygiene, food residues accumulate on the teeth and on the record. The bacteria is rapidly dividing in the gums, causes bleeding through the environment they create. The bacteria build up on teeth causing squalor in this record label if continued, the number of harmful bacteria increases. This increase can cause even to melt bone. If melting bone teeth may be lost. If the tooth root dies, no pain but gradually will reach the bone and teeth will be lost.

Causes Of Dental Root Inflammation
How to clean teeth care
Sugar and carbohydrate food and beverage are frequently consume
Rotten teeth
Of tooth enamel fractures and cracks
Food residues accumulate in your teeth
Weak immune system
Waning fills
Intestinal disorders
Dental Root Inflammation Treatment

A good oral care and the accumulation of dental plaque when blocked, and blocked the formation of dental stone. Thus the tooth root infection did not occur. The initial period of the disease plaque cleaning, polishing and teeth good oral care while being sufficient for this cleaning, in addition to the advanced level of the disease in this process, the surface of the root engraving, flattening, surgical procedures and even in some cases leading up to the withdrawal process of tooth are monitored. The most important reason for missing not dental caries, gingival diseases. Gum disease does not cause a loss of teeth only. At the same time can also lead to cardiovascular diseases. For this reason you should care dental health. Dental root inflammation in the treatment of antibiotics and pain relievers used in General. Antibiotics are used to facilitate treatment and reduce symptoms. Therefore you should avoid the use of drugs on your own and your treatment must be done by a doctor. Among the people known make a warm compress can be harmful. You must go to the doctor for dental problems. Because inflammation of the tooth root is an important disease. Can spread all over the body. Therefore, you must not neglect dental maintenance.

Inflammation of the throat what is good?

Especially during the winter months is widely seen and reducing our quality of life that you need to learn how to deal with the problem of inflammation. Inflammation of the throat what is good? the answer to the question before we start by recognizing the inflammation; different diseases as in inflammation of the throat may show some symptoms with herself. Headache, sore throat, neck ache, fever, weakness, difficulty swallowing, inflammation of the throat, swelling in tonsils bad breath are among the complaints that may arise with. Inflammation of the throat tend to increase due to the germs in the body can occur. Inflammation of the throat, breaking the resistance of germs that causes body nutrition disorders can also result.

Before you start treatment for inflammation of the throat inflammation leads to a pathogen type must be specified. After detecting the type of microbe germ will increase resistance against the appropriate treatment should be initiated. In some cases, although the disease under control, antibiotic treatment is applied. This can be thought of as possibilities in the surgical procedure. The pathogen that causes the throat causing inflammation to refer to the surgical handling structure degradation. If the germ has been any structure degradation in throat surgery.

To shorten the healing process of the disease and that is revealed to alleviate symptoms with treatment at home can also support natural plants. Can be prepared easily at home thanks to natural cures can be abbreviated to the healing process of the disease.

Inflammation Of The Throat What Is Good?

Turmeric: inflammation of the throat inflammation dryer Zerdeçalın making use of measures can be taken. Turmeric can be used as a mouthwash against inflammation of the throat can also be used in the form of tea. Turmeric tea with honey and lemon into a stand-alone form of içilemese can be added.

Milk: 1 cup of warm milk before you go to sleep at night into 1/2 tsp turmeric and 1 teaspoon black pepper and it will act a throat inflammation. Provides comfortable sleeping through the night mix.

Sage: Adaçayının throat of microbes has a prohibitive effect increased. At the same time due to inflammation in the throat pain and irritation at relieving effect. Sage and gargle as well as drinkable tea. Inflammation of the throat can be mitigated by drinking 2 cups of Sage tea a day. Sage is not appropriate for pregnant women and nursing mothers tea.

Cinnamon Tea: Cinnamon again is one of the plants that allows domain blocking germs. Cinnamon tea drink the pain, bloating and anti inflammatory. Cinnamon tea 1 cup boiling water into 1 sweet by adding some little cinnamon powder from scratch 5 minutes demlenmelidir. Cinnamon tea a wide range of tea will be available upon completion of the process. Lemon and honey can be consumed by making the addition.

Garlic: Garlic is a natural antibiotic and is good against a sore throat. dividing by 2 garlic cloves are absorbed in the mouth. If it comes from a lot of pain absorbed when consumed in the form of prepared garlic tea also. 1 cup water 4 garlic cloves with the addition of 7-8 minutes on low boil on the stove. Then ılıması by filtering. Can be consumed by adding 1 teaspoon of black pepper into it.

Honey and Lemon: 1 cup boiling water hot spring. Ilıyan water filter 1/2 tsp honey and lemon and drink. 4-5 times a day prepared.

Onion And olive oil: 1 tablespoon olive oil is heated in a pan. Onions and sauté until heated through oil from rende. A clean cheesecloth folded lengthways several times. Parched throat wrapped onions and placing it into tülbentte.

Herbal teas: thyme, rosehips, BlackBerry, lime is beneficial against inflammation of the throat, such as plants. Prepared in the form of an herbal tea which is good for inflammation of the throat. The preferred plant 5 cups boiling water into a clump of discarded, and you start to drink the brewed tea waited until an hour later. Instead of regular water curing prepared throughout the day.

Spermde causes inflammation? symptoms and treatment

Spermde inflammation, is one of the serious inflammation problems. Not treated or even permanent damage or even infertility treatment late. Sperm is sometimes bloody or brown in colour and may be a sign of some inflammation diseases to arrive. The prostate gland inflammation that occurs, the possibility of an enlarged prostate or cancer depend on age, sperm can be seen in the blood. This could be a precursor of sperm inflammation. More young male seen in inflammation, infection with the sperm duct and testicles.

Spermde in an individual, consisting of testicular inflammation, swelling and pain. In men, the most common cause of testicular inflammation mumps and urinary tract infections. If the person has had mumps during adolescence, people can be seen 25% sperm inflammation. A few days after showing formation of testicular inflammation swelling. The cause of the inflammation is affected by two with testicular sperm production does not occur and the problem of infertility can occur.

Depending on the applied treatment arose only kabakulağa inflammation relieve pain or are carried out with the aim to alleviate. Another reason the inflammation occurs when a sperm is tuberculosis. Tuberculosis can reach up to urethra sperm channels and still can cause infertility. Urinary tract infections can lead to discomfort, causing inflammation in the sperm. Pain in the testicles, sexual togetherness instantly swelling and pain, blood in the semen in case something necessarily has to be a doctor without delay. Listening to the complaints of doctors will do a review of that direction. After the required examinations will start the appropriate treatment for the problem.

Skin inflammation is caused? symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the skin, skin that covers the body and is a line of defense that protects from external factors. Skin, bacteria, fungus and virus protection against many diseases that may occur due to a. Skin infections are seen in a way that is quite common in the community. Skin inflammation can occur due to many diseases. Some of these diseases by talking about the causes of skin inflammation briefly together.

Impetigo: Arms, legs and yellow, grey and itchy sores. It is a fairly common skin disorder. Dermatitis is a skin disease such as with formations. Starting initially in the form of fried develops acne infection. Acne begins to leak in two days exploded. It is possible to have a scar and has a contagious inflammation. Infected with the bacteria causing blood inflammation especially in children can cause kidney disease. Is limited to a single place and little infection consisting of local drug treatment available. Infection is more common mouth via begins antibiotic treatment. The treatment process is quite slow, but the recovery rate is very high.

Folliculitis: popularly known as acne Folliculitis, hair follicles are white-tipped that occurs around the pimple. Hair cut can be described as a superficial infection occurring in. Still, the most widely seen skin inflammations. The lighter the local infection antibiotic therapy is sufficient. However, infection is spread mouth via antibiotic treatment and hot water Pack available.

Snakey and cellulite: legs, arms ce is a skin inflammation, which can be viewed per cent. Swelling in the area, fried and burning sensation to occur may occur. Cellulite skin connective tissue caused by an infection of bacteria that occur in variety. Snakey, infected areas are bright and boundries is a heavy atreotokok is a type of cellulite. The recommended antibiotics for the treatment of inflammation in the mouth via the region consisting of the high and a warm compress.

Zona: in any area of the body or on one side of the face combustion, is fried and painful skin disease. Occurs in the form of small wounds and water-filled blisters. Water lily is the type of a infection caused by the virus that leads to it. Chicken pox virus in people who spent the years between nerve cells can be stored and may occur again in a moment of weakness of the body. Normal course of the disease cannot be controlled with medical treatment. But relax patients with wet and cool compresses. Antiviral drugs can be recommended.

The sores are prevent pregnancy?

Inflammation prevents to become pregnant?

Protect the health of the reproductive system is an important factor to stay pregnant. One of the first digit of the reproductive health protection genital organ inflammation that can occur is early diagnosis and treatment for. Both males and females is common inflammation problems just as common in women or only men are also seen in inflammation problems. As with every type of İltihapların dangerous inflammation that occurs in the genital area are serious problems. Even prevents pregnancy. Most frequently encountered in the reproductive system inflammation serious discomfort to the person when the varieties can can lead to permanent damage. The cause of the inflammation that occurs in the reproductive system and infertility problems can be revealed.

Types Of Inflammation Engelleyebilecek To Get Pregnant That Contain:

One of the most frequently encountered inflammation in women with vaginal infection. Vaginal infection in women exposed to reveal the most common complaints, foul-smelling discharge, itching, pain, sexual togetherness now include a burning sensation when urinating. Fungi, bacteria and some parasites is vaginal infection-causing factors.

The fungus inflammation that leads to a particular period of pregnancy, birth control pills and antibiotics are most frequently seen in use. The fungus formed due to a discharge like white and cheese cut in vaginitis. Vaginal thrush sperm reaching the egg destroys the environment of the vagina by preventing. Adversely affects the process of sperm stay alive. It is very easy to configure the treatment of vaginal infections. The fungus problem with impact on drugs can be controlled easily.

The cause of vaginosis bacteria again is called inflammation the foul-smelling and a yellowish color is discharge occurs. The same infection may also occur in men, but does not lead any complaint in men. Infection in women reproductive system by affecting negatively restricts the movement of sperm. Prevents increases the possibility of as low as helps facilitate conception. It is easily treatable with antibiotics is a type of a infection.

Chlamydia Infections

Chlamydia infections are sexually transmitted and quite common type of a infection. Chlamydia infection odorless discharge, bleeding, sexual relationship between instant pain can lead to complaints, such as complaints may not be any why. When there is no adhesion and infection control in tubes can prevent being pregnant by causing blockage.
As can be seen in women, chlamydia can also occur in men. Penis discharge, burning sensation during urination can lead to such complaints. Infertility problems living men and women in terms of detailed investigation of chlamydia infection. He was diagnosed with the disease is diagnosed by performing the required examinations for diseases and antibiotic treatment. In women, inflammation of advanced laparoscopy method with congestion is detected can be referenced to in vitro fertilization treatment for pregnancy.


Gonorrhea causes inflammation that can infect one of the serious sexually. Most of the time and discharge any way whether a symptom, back pain and can lead to disorders of menstruation. The same infection can also occur in men. A burning sensation when urinating and inflammation that leads to complaints such as pain, serious problems with the way blood can lead to quite a spread. Tubes lead to adhesions and obstruction in women, while in men it can cause infertility by blocking the passage of sperm. The disease can be controlled with antibiotic therapy.

Herpes Simplex Virus Infections

Herpes virus known as herpes virus among the population. Serious pain in the genital area that leads to ulcers. Erkelerde penis, cervix and vagina in women is serious ulcers seen in person. Symptoms such as muscle pain, fever, and fatigue can occur. Infecting a infection is likely to recur sexually. The cause of the inflammation caused by pain, does not allow sexual Association and therefore the probability of pregnancy occurring are reduced.


Shows the formation of with bacteria cause syphilis and can lead to life-threatening. As with other infections diseases with sexual together. Antibiotic treatment with disease often can be controlled. If the disease is untreated, disease-causing bacteria in the body becomes permanent. After a short period of time the sores in the genital area. Bed sores are fever, hair loss can lead to such complaints. Is a type of a infection to become pregnant again. It is important to be treated with both peers will be.

Genital Warts

Cervix and vagina in women is penis warts can occur in men. Plants that cause inflammation of the vagina can be corrupting the structure imkansızlaştır to get pregnant. Some variants of the virus, cervical cancer or cervix can lead to tissue disorder. If genital

It causes inflammation of the bone? symptoms and treatment

This can be acute or chronic bone infection, inflammation, bone fractures, open wounds or surgical settles down. Osteoarthritis can affect multiple organs and can cause great discomfort. This means children under 12 can be captured faster. Bone infection can be transmitted through blood. Usually remitted with treatment but sometimes of recurrent disease. Necessarily should be treated medically by doctors. Or can cause serious health problems. Consists of two types of acute and chronic. Acute inflammation of the bone 1-6 weeks, while chronic bone inflammation takes longer than 6 weeks. Symptoms of both of them.

Bone Inflammation Symptoms

High fever
Bone pain and downtime
Held on the bone temperature

Osteoarthritis Treatment

Implemented a wide range of treatments. These treatments differ from physician physician. For the most part, depending on the severity of the symptoms and inflammation treatments. Antibiotics and painkillers are the most commonly used methods of treatment. Inflammation of the bones, if treated can cause serious health problems. Treatment for a period of 3 weeks or longer penicillin or antibiotics are used. Determination of bacteria that cause doctors to blood samples are taken from. Before antibiotics intravenously. Then is given by mouth. Sometimes surgery is provided by opening little holes to the bones. This method is better. Because the doctor's antibiotics bacteria is effective. Then the patient must rest. Alternative therapy for osteomyelitis of the physician's diagnosis of structural anomalies, not necessarily the method treatment.

Pneumonia symptoms, causes and treatment

Inflammation of the lungs, quite dangerous and will cause problems if no precaution is too large, you will not be able to return could be a harbinger of many diseases. Lung inflammation can be seen at any age. Pneumonia, lung diseases of inflammation of the tissues in the lungs is a disorder that occurs as a result of. There are many reason for lung inflammation. Although the cause of the disease will be easier to treat, is quite problematic for unknown reason. Among the main causes of lung inflammation, smoking, while cold and chemical causes inflammation to occur.

Symptoms Of Lung Inflammation:
Coughing up bloody phlegm often.
Chest discomfort.
All of a sudden chills.
Depending on the cold shaking occurs
High fever and difficulty will descend
Halsizlikte are among the symptoms.
Lung inflammation may spread as epidemics. Inflammation of the lungs when first started, tremor and weakness or emerging problems such as a high fever. If left untreated, coughing up frozen blood. Derinizde bruising and continuously if you have problems, such as coughing, then very time doctor and after necessary investigations should be started treatment immediately. Lung inflammation is done by the treatment in the hospital. Some doctors may ask you to lung inflammation of mucus against the test. If the color of phlegm and mucus constantly in this pitch, it is a major disease of phlegm for the akciğerlerinizden Messenger.

Lung Inflammation Is A Very Serious As.
When a situation such as lung inflammation, can take place in a very short period of death. Especially in non-human care and infants inflammation of the lungs when shown results in death within 24 hours. That's why the symptoms are seen not seen doctor treatment can be applied and must be under surveillance until. Atlatabildiği young people more easily, more resilient against the disease are known to. Lung inflammation is infected with time more dangerous places such as the hospital.

What Should Be The Treatment Of Lung Inflammation
Pulmonary inflammation of any herbs that you want to apply in your home against treatment will not be in question. When the symptoms of inflammation of the lungs found must go to the hospital as soon as possible. Thanks to the progression of the treatment the doctor will apply. The doctor will do exam when he means necessarily, but I can understand the chest film is attracting. At the same time the colour of zift balgamın needs to be tested. Necessary, not necessarily should be applied to drug therapy. If you need to regain your patient's old, needs to be treated in hospital. Lung inflammation in cases of late has been noticed and progresses, the patient will be unable to receive oxygen. That's why giving oxygen to the patient. If the disease is at, yet not necessarily using antibiotic therapy and treatment should be under the supervision of a doctor by the end.

What does it mean to arrive from the penis pus? Gonorrhea

Penis inflammation, discharge from the penis in men is seen generally arise with a sexual relationship may be a precursor of the disease. Polygamy, irregular sexual intercourse, condom use, does not pay attention to hygiene can cause this inflammation. Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection, sexual partnership, 1 week later, begins to clear. In particular, I mean Chlamydia Gonorrhea is a disorder that causes the penis gently down the stream. Chlamydia infection can lead to inflammation of the penis is one of the illnesses. Chlamydia bacteria, man you've been infected 7-complaints within 21 days begins to emerge. But chlamydia infection most of the time, you can watch without being able to cause any complaint and therefore may be difficult to determine where the disease has infected. Chlamydia infection should be treated with the full sense after it infects. You can preserve the continuity of contagious disease if untreated. Gonorrhea is often very similar symptoms with chlamydia and karıştırılabilmektedir. If I was diagnosed with chlamydia and treatment initiation is not a positive result, in spite of the chlamydia infection should be considered.

Penis Inflammation Can Cause Symptoms Of Gonorrhea The Horse Head

Originally a mild burning sensation in the penis may occur. Day by day the disease exacerbated and penis size yellow discharge occurs. Where the currents in redness and swelling occurs. The disease is not treated in a timely iltihaplanarak infertility semen paths can lead to the problem. Gonorrhea because of the continuous feeling of urination occurs. But there's very little urine. Sometimes chlamydia can watch without causing any symptom.

Symptoms Of Chlamydia Infection That Causes Inflammation Of The Penis The Horse Head
Pain and burning sensation during urination
Penis discharge to arrive
At the junction with the urine way penis redness and swelling
Chlamydia infection is diagnosed by taking penis to will be sent to the lab from the discharge. Can be diagnosed by examining the discharge. Patients are usually treated with antibiotic treatment is applied and this disease is usually are taken under control. Treatment treatment for eligible spouses. Inflammation infection untreated sperm to reach the road and obstruction by causing infertility. To avoid sexual exposure with instant condom use are being recommended and suggested a monogamous sexual took place.

Ass causes inflammation? symptoms and treatment

The formation of abscess, perianal abscess, anorectal Inflammation Makatta or anal abscess. Although a type of publication that is quite arduous treatment for inflammation. Rectal inflammation problem are usually unwilling to go to the doctor or from being treated. Due to the private parts and the breech requires surgical intervention was generally late, is a type of inflammation treated by. 90% of rectal abscess that occurs in anus channel anal gear line I mean four or ten to the linea dentata secretory gland blockage and inflammation occurs as a result of. Anal abscess consists of the collection of pus as a result of inflammation that occurs with makatta. Anal abscess, anal glands due to inflammation. Makatta this by secreting mucus glands whose main task is to facilitate the exodus of stool. This situation requires an urgent surgical intervention is an important disease. This disease only become visible in every age group but 30 and is seen more in the 40s. The incidence of this disease incidence in males is more according to women. Most increased during spring and summer of soft stool. Watery stools, perception is the departure point for the cloth cover your disease sparking new. According to the settlement, different names. These names;

What are the symptoms of inflammation and Makatta Apsenin?

During defecation pain in anus occurs and starts that way. Then the redness, swelling and warmth in anus, the increase in the level of symptoms such as emerging. Other than these symptoms in patients with rectal inflammation, fever, weakness and sweating from the form of symptoms arise.

Makatta Inflammation and Anal Abscess Cause occur?

Makatta is composed of the inflammation and the formation of an abscess, anal anal anal any surgical intervention, applied to a zone in the region of trauma, the presence of a fistula, anal fissure-the earlier anal abscess caused by things like the story. Still, the inflammation and the formation of makatta long-lasting anal abscess caused by diarrhea. Still, excessive alcohol consumption, excessive weight gain among the risk factors.

Makatta Infection and Anal abscess, how is it spread?

Increasing the amount of pus is applied because of the pressure of intersfinkterik abscess, shows the correct spread to neighboring tissues surrounding himself and in this way reach the perianal skin moving down space and leads to the formation of the perianal abscess by growing. Diagnosis and treatment of inflammation and abscess how late is the disease spread so fast and complex situation.

How is the diagnosis of inflammation and Makatta Anal Abscess?

A lot of patients to be examined for diagnosis and treatment. Sometimes, ultrasound or MRI for diagnosis and treatment may be required.

Makatta Infection and Anal Abscess treatment methods:

The purpose of the treatment of inflammation and anal abscess that occurs Makatta, belongs to the anus symptoms and General infection cases also fix the inflammation and abscess that complicated anal fistula a case or some other pathologies such as to prevent triggering. Surgical treatment of anal abscess. Applied to the patient under anesthesia abscess drainage. The closest place to the anus, is selected for the incision. Abscess after it has been freed in the region consisting of pain, fever and other infections quickly will be the healing process. Sitting in hot water bath, painkillers and antibiotics can be used.

How swimmer's ear?

A common type is swimmer's ear in inflammation. Are weather, reckless, hygiene and many more reasons, large or small, everyone is an inflammation which can be seen frequently. External ear infection manifested by pain and swelling in the ear canal. Hard-of-hearing, redness, increased pain, depending on when the contact is going to sound bad, swelling of the throat, causing inflammation of the external ear infections are among the other symptoms. Inflammation of the outer ear consists of the early treatment to prevent chronicity of inflammation plays an important role. External ear infection develops in children more than adults. Symptoms of ear inflammation that occurs in children can be felt in less pain in children may not sound when depressed. Inflammation usually passes with antibiotic therapy.

External Ear Inflammation Symptoms

Temporary hearing loss
Ear flowing liquid
Sounds like tapping severe pain
Leak at the ear studs

External Ear Infection Causes

Inflammation of the outer ear is a disorder that can be seen in every age group. One of the main reasons is not provided pool hygiene water. Dirty water sound in ear when squeezed, can cause inflammation. Again, that sounds when water shower, ear inflammation can be contacted with the remaining cold water. Very rare inflammation of the outer ear, although it is not genetically can also occur. Bone growth, can also cause inflammation of the external ear hearing aid use.

How To Pass The Outer Ear Infection?

The majority of patients exposed to the external ear inflammation of the ear dirt accumulated. For this reason, ear cleaner or with other ear canal on attempts to open. However, this behavior is quite incorrect and perforation of the eardrum and can cause more inflammation from spreading. Ear infections cause inflammation of patients, a doctor with specialist doctors to detect the depth of different instruments with the ear. If the size is not very serious inflammation, antibiotic ear drops by drinking enough. But the inflammation has progressed with the drops are prescribed antibiotics taken by way of the mouth. In cases of severe pain is pain pain relief for property which medications are recommended.

With the purpose of support and external ear medical treatment consisting of inflammation should be taken some measures to dry more quickly. For example inflammation dry ear cleaning tool should not be used during bathing to keep him sound water and Vaseline cotton should be used. Home support medical treatment by applying natural methods, and discomfort can be abbreviated to the healing process.

External Ear Infection At Home, How Is Passed?

Apple Cider vinegar: ear infection due to inflammation of the mushroom can be used Apple Cider vinegar for the spend occurs. 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar 1 tablespoon mixed with pure water. Dip a clean cotton mixture used as earplugs. After waiting 5 minutes by taking the ear plugs ear onto having sex. In this way, the liquid will flow easily from ear to ear.

Olive oil: olive oil is dripping a few drops of light oil ear it sounds by heating in the dirt to soften easily by providing helps.

Garlic: garlic with antibiotics for ear infections is also available from the impact. 1/2 tsp mustard oil 2 cloves of garlic and light. Fat after cooling is taken in garlic and garlic with water softening problematic sounds bored. Inflammation can be applied three times a day until it goes away.

Basil: Sweet Basil is the natural effect of prescription of antibiotics is still alive. 5 basil leaves is squeezed out juice. Is applied on the external part of the ear of the resulting water.

Inflammation of the pancreas causes? symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the pancreas, located in the back of the pancreas in the abdominal area, with the help of a tube called the pancreatic duct into the intestine enzymes and digestive juice salgılamaktadır. These are combined with bile juice used to digest the nutrients. In addition, by secreting insulin and glucagon into the bloodstream of hormones, nutrients and sugar from moving into the cells of the body contributes to the production of the energy it needs. Produced in the pancreas in a person with a healthy and active until it reaches the intestine digesting liquids used. But when there is inflammation of the pancreas is activated and produced in the pancreas tissues, fluids begin to destroy it. Inflammation of the pancreas in two different ways. The pancreas, acute and chronic inflammation can cause serious complications in the way. These are not received in time for measures, infection, bleeding and permanent damage may occur in the tissues.
Types of inflammation of the pancreas

Acute pancreatitis
This type of inflammation as a result of the sudden and treatment is to heal inflammation in the next few days. However, if untreated, can cause serious problems. In society, the most important reason for this kind of inflammation that is highly effective in the gallbladder with stones. Apart from the trauma of the abdomen, excessive alcohol use, abnormalities of the pancreas tumors in this field, can cause inflammation. However, the acute inflammation of the pancreas in up to 30% of any cause cannot be determined. The inflammation itself, suddenly started and a growing pain. Usually in the upper part of the abdomen the pain effect in some people back. Growing pains for a few days after dinner. In the meantime, the nausea, abdominal pain, fever, as can be seen, and they can be noticed from the outside influences. The effect of body fluid loss and blood pressure drop. In addition, lungs, heart and kidneys may be damaged when the patient may go into shock, bleeding in the pancreas.

Treatment of acute pancreatitis: people with This condition may need to remain in the hospital for a few days. The patient received intravenous fluids, pain medicine and antibiotic treatment is applied. This is achieved by reducing the patient's nutrition, while the rest of the pancreas. If the fluid in the stomach and vomiting air removal, the patient can be worn on the nose tube. Complications also defended the patient shows improvement in a few days. If the patient is observed improvement after clinical and laboratory assessment a certain amount of nutrition from the nose and throat (ENT) a thin pipe called feeds. Recovering patients should not use alcohol and cigarette smoking, fatty foods should remain remote.

Chronic pancreatitis
This is a serious problem than acute pancreatitis inflammation. Inflammation can cause permanent damage to tissues. The reason for the formation of the enzymes that are used still digesting pancreatic inflammation and tissue that is why attacks. Chronic pancreatitis problems most people occurs because the long term excessive alcohol. B outside of genetic pancreatic disorders, high levels of calcium in the blood fat level and immune system diseases can cause inflammation. Usually between the ages of 30-40 people in the community. But genetic factors can be seen at an early age than inflammation of.

Patients with chronic pancreatitis usually abdominal pain at the top. This pain is propagated back again. After dinner, there may be more severe. You can reduce the intensity of the pain that the progression of inflammation sometimes. Because the pancreas is too produce enzymes that damage at this stage. In addition to these symptoms, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, fatty stools and weight loss. People even eat normal food weight loss continues. This is because for most liquids and nutrient digestion of the pancreas are fully sindirilmemesinden. Both the digestion will not work correctly, and are not enough nutrients to the body.

Chronic pancreatitis treatment: these patients are being treated in hospital. Pain medication for treatment is applied. Weight loss persists after clinical and laboratory assessment patient nutrition. If normal feeding is unable to produce the pancreatic enzyme, meals, synthetic enzyme supplement is applied. In this way, the people of weight gain. Creating a new diet for the patient, and less greasy food is provided and often take nutrition scheme is established. Plenty of fluids, and it is recommended to stay away from the coffee shop. In addition, patients are required to stay away from alcohol and cigarettes.

Inflammation of the pancreas can be prevented?

It is not possible the prevention of genetic factors of inflammation. But nutrition and lifestyle changes which will be held in other causes of inflammation of the pancreas occurs can be reduced. To do this, people should be avoided from alcohol consumption. Foods can choose low-fat ones, can consume fruits and vegetables. Weight and the ideal level of Eclipse is useful. In this way, is reduced by the formation of gallstones and inflammation of the pancreas can be in front of. Also to be avoided from the shock diet. These are blood

Anti inflammatory what is good?

Anti inflammatory what is good, this particular issue is a non-natural food supplement namely pharmaceutical plants and spices we've prepared as well. The best treatment for inflammation, and the exact solution is definitely the doctor and treatment your doctor deems appropriate treatment ilaçlarıdır. Here is information on alternative ideas about natural options has been compiled for your acquisition.

If you have a problem with inflammation, too, thanks to a comfortable home-from-home to prepare mixes of alternative treatment, you can search for the path.

Anti inflammatory good medicinal plants
Turmeric: a very useful and very good for human health. Inflammation of the liver is a very important factor in particular. Karkumin is called, thanks to the antioxidant properties of your body will affect your health and your in any part of the anti inflammatory for you very good buying from turmeric can use transferred.

Ginger: for many years, the Ottoman Empire used to treat inflammation and healing of many diseases. Ginger is found in the human body within the healing of the inflammation has an enormous impact. The pain in your throat like tonsillitis of the future is also a very good na will eliminate and prevent bad breath before.
Ceyyen Pepper: this plant will eliminate problems such as inflammation of the tooth and more of the substance called capsaicin within due to dental disease and tooth inflammation antibiotics within a very short period of time and that will carry the property immediately, the disappearance of the tooth will cause the inflammation. I have to note that dental infections in the mouth will cause a very bad smell.

Basil: alternative medicine is one of the most commonly used within the plant. Many diseases are known to be good for a long time it is used. People get sick of the immune system will consist of the organs within the body, overturned and which will cause a reduction in the inflammation. Also if you feel pain in any part of your body that is installed in the Öjenol in a very short period of time thanks to the item called inflammation will cause drying of the antibiotic.
Garlic: garlic flavour is good and is a great help many diseases has been proven medically. Packaging contained in the human body is one of the benefits and very harmful inflammation within a very short period of time of late. If you suspect any inflammation in your body then you surely should not consume garlic. At the same time, balance blood pressure and cholesterol, garlic when you use will not be any harm in that.

Intestinal inflammation is caused? symptoms and treatment

Intestinal inflammation in the medical world is one of the most complicated illnesses. The reason for the many negative factors finely dice in the intestines with the effect of losing the State of degradation of the property. The main reason for this occurrence is the body entering the microbes and toxic chemical substances.

When a healthy person's intestines to normal life in the air and airless environments require viable bacteria. Normally, these bacteria are not any discord between the situation. But for some reason, depending on the nature of the inner membrane of a portion of the small intestine from bacteria by damaging it can be seen that they cause the formation of pus.

In children this is known to occur more than big health problem, especially in the summer, and in autumn, an increase that occurred in the intestine is present. This time the cause of discomfort in children occurring in malnutrition.

Causes Of Formation Of Intestinal Inflammation
Although the exact cause is unknown as the formation, discomfort may cause some bad foods consumed.
Some genetic factors or environmental and psychological factors, depending on the intestinal inflammation may occur.
Broken stale, stale eggs or canned, which is made from tainted meat and sausage, stale cookies and cake consumed, which is pus in the intestine may cause the formation of. (Bad intestinal microbes contained in foods after settling in to this inconvenience occurs.)
The problem of inflammation-causing factors except for foods; typhoid fever, cholera, measles and influenza disease causing germs or toxic substances.

Symptoms Of Intestinal Inflammation
Abdominal cramping that occurs in the form of pain,
Seen blood in the stool, or bloody diarrhea problem,
Seen in the mucus in the stool,
Weight loss,
The problem of anemia,
Depending on the problem of excess inflammation, fever, sweating, joint aches, vomiting and nausea issues.
Diagnosis and treatment of intestinal inflammation

This discomfort during the patient's diagnosis, the doctor's going to have to go to the examination. That during the examination of the patient's doctor complaints fully and accurately explain a big importance. This is required to run some tests your doctor sees the symptoms. This test when viewed globally to klonoskopi, endoscopy, blood work needs to be done in complete tests. In addition, the laboratory examination of the stool also targeted. Fecal occult blood detection in the body and cause inflammation that causes for sedimentation tests would be required of the situation.

Depending on the cause of formation of intestinal inflammation treatment can begin. Applied medication gradually. When applying the medication the first purpose is to put pressure on forming causes of inflammation. For example, if diarrhea, try to prevent mineral loss, according to him, to be a drug therapy. For this, the first side effect which drugs are used. The next step is another immune system must provide increasing reaction will work to provide faster healing.

Intestinal inflammation must be referenced to a doctor for diagnosis and treatment of. You must diagnose and treat yourself, your application can lead to bad results. In the video above, Prof. Dr. Saraçoğlu cure gastroenteritis-related recommended fig.

Ovarian inflammation, causes inflammation of the testes? symptoms and treatment

Ovarian Inflammation inflammation of the testicles to the shape of what is seen in men. Males usually inflammation of the urinary tract is a problem that may occur after. There are symptoms like pain, fever and swelling. If genital roads or in women in the reproductive system is defined as an infection that occurred. This is present in bacteria in the vagina and the uterus to the ovaries and fallopian tubes by going out of the way his mouth way to settle in this region, causes inflammation. In this case the doctors by patients diagnosed with ovarian inflammation is defined by.
This disease is in the process of inflammation in other organs that are located around the eggs from affected. Should not be treated on time would be a more serious situation is known to cause problems. Whether this disturbance and sexual ways.

Causes Of Inflammation Of The Ovaries
This distressing factors at the beginning of the sexually transmitted infection Chlamydia gonorrhea (the clap), and seems to be the most common risk factors. Especially for gonorrhea and chlamydia infections in women without symptoms or a lot without giving no signs may be in question can continue if the germ in a few days or a week or two together with the later emergence can be in question in the form of pelvic inflammatory disease. Pelvic inflamatuarın is sexually transmitted infections such as bacterial vaginosis except discomfort can itself.

Pelvic inflammatory disease can be found in every woman who sexual life began. In young women, and are more common in women who are under the age of 25. In addition to these risk factors, with more than one person people who have sexual life (polygamy) and had pelvic inflammatory disease before people with the disorder have a higher risk of developing.
Research, frequent vaginal shower process that increase the risk of developing the disease of. During this process, because the cervix into the uterus and tubes of bacteria to the itildiğine, to put it mildly, and this causes discomfort with the way pundits miss the vaginal shower causing alerting.

Inflammation of the ovaries should not be more people should rest consisting of standing. Ovaries or testes in this present in sexual intercourse should be avoided. Consisting of inflammation after treated by urologists relationship completely, would be appropriate.

Tonsillitis is good for what?

Tonsillitis is good for what? inflammation of the tonsils and adversely affect a person's quality of life is one of the upper respiratory tract disease. Tonsil in the Bosporus region contained some microbes to accumulate in the throat, the region's irritation.

Almost everyone knows what tonsils. However, the tonsils in the body, there is no precise information about everyone's tasks. The tonsils are located on both sides of the boğazımızın tissue in the mouth and two in every human being. These are part of the body's defense system. Especially in childhood, which entered the body through the nose and mouth way bacteria, viruses such as hastalandırıcı agents hunt, fight them secrete the immune substances called antibodies, the task of the. These organs according to the much larger and active child, erişkine. General resistance of the body system in young children against foreign aggressors is not prepared for is too much a burden that falls to the tonsil.

Tonsillitis in people with complaints like fatigue, fevers, pain occurs. Tonsillitis is experiencing extreme heat or extreme cold until the issue is resolved in the beverage and food should not be consumed. In the same way extreme hot and spicy foods can cause irritation and redness in the area.

Tonsillitis Is Good For What?

Black Mulberry molasses tonsillitis is one of the good. People who like to consume molasses black Mulberry syrup and also can control the problem.

Dried or fresh rose petals in the water a few obtained by boiling 1 cup of water 3 times a day if tonsillitis gargle against.

Castor oil is a kind of a useful oil against inflammation of the tonsils.

A small amount of Sage vinegar and honey mixed with anti inflammatory can be consumed. The consistency of the mixture should be a little more watery paste consistency. The resulting mixture of antibiotics play an important role in eliminating inflammation, creating impact.

1 Quince by dividing 1 by four in the water during the night. The resulting water is used as a mouthwash.

1 cup hot water into black pepper, cinnamon and honey and mix. The resulting mixture is consumed on a regular basis against inflammation of the tonsils.

Made with salt water gargle in the treatment of pain caused by the inflammation cause the region to be useful.

two medium-sized dry onion shells within r. Into 1 tablespoon olive oil and saute onions until his death. Roasting onions wrapped a clean tülbentte spread the Bosporus region.

A small amount of red grape vinegar and dried Chamomile 1 cup water into the firing of one day will be held. The waiting period is completed will the mixture the consistency of the pulp. Pulp consistency was excluded from the water with vinegar in a clean field daisies tülbentte spread are wrapped to the Bosporus region.

Inflammation of the throat, as long as the drink by mixing honey with warm water on a regular basis.

Anti inflammatory for 2-3 cloves of garlic a day should be eaten.

Vervain water should be made against regular tonsillitis gargle with.

30 grams Turkey depends on root 1 cup water into the mixture. The mixture is left to infuse for 20 minutes by boiling for 2 minutes. Served with honey and lemon tea prepared with 1 cup a day.

10 dried figs cooked with half a litre of milk by chopped cubes. 3 tablespoons a day are consumed. It is good against milk and fig tonsillitis.

Sumac, flax seeds and Althea roots boiled in the same sizes based on a cezveye. Boiling the mixture through cheesecloth feculence is removed. The resulting pulp is wrapped a clean tülbentte were placed into the throat. When applied to regular tonsillitis every day and it will be against the pain.

Zerdeçalın has anti-inflammatory effect. Turmeric when tonsillitis as a mouthwash against. 1 cup boiling water 1 tsp powdered turmeric added. The mixture can be used as a mouthwash after hot spring. Tonsillitis against turmeric tea is also useful. Served with honey and lemon tea prepared with 2-3 cups a day.

Cinnamon tea can be consumed against the prepared in the form of tonsillitis. Cinnamon has a bacteria inhibitor. 1 cup boiling water and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder into 5 minutes. The wait period completes cinnamon tea can be consumed against tonsillitis.

Inflammation that can occur during pregnancy, infection in pregnancy

Inflammation in pregnancy, pregnancy period is a process of watching with some difficulties. He didn't use drugs and treatment methods of the breast is limited due to the inflammation disorders in pregnancy is difficult to treat. During this period, mothers for some weaker immune system of the chute is more likely of contracting diseases. Can catch diseases diseases inflammative. During the period of pregnancy the most common inflammation diseases, urinary tract infections, colds can be very infrequent, but occurs fairly serious impacts to the inflammation.

Cystitis: inflammation of the urinary tract. Burning sensation during urination, frequent urination, pain during urination, pain in the groin can symptoms such as. To know the culture and urinalysis. Depending on the factors identified in the urine treatment method is applied. During the period of pregnancy can occur if not treated in a timely manner if cystitis kidney inflammation increases the possibility of development. Treatment is recommended for fluid consumption.

Algınlığı cold and flu: during the period of pregnancy weakened immune system because of colds and flu are most frequently can be found for disturbed. Virus that causes respiratory tract, causing inflammation of the nose and bronchi it is located at via. three days after the fire starts in an incubator. The first day, with severe headache, weakness, fever, dry cough and muscle pain can occur. To help protect yourself from the flu during pregnancy pregnancy is 2-3. period, flu vaccine may be recommended. Simple colds with fever or discomfort will be expected to pass spontaneously. Plenty of fluids and vitamin C consumption and hygiene, making sure that the problem can be controlled.

Genital warts: during the period of pregnancy can progress quickly. If you have a problem and treatment of genital warts than before--either during the period of pregnancy, it is very likely that siğilin repetition. During the period of pregnancy lesions commonly been claimed that the possibility of a natural birth can be done with a decrease of birth Cesarean. Genital warts is a type of infection that can be sexually transmitted and its likely spread around is very high. Warts HPV occurs due to a virus. Cryosurgery for the treatment of options such as acetic acid, trisodium phosphate, laser can be applied.

Herpes infection: as fluid-filled Structure raised lesions. The lesions with pain. All pregnant women are likely to be seen in 1%. Diagnosis for lesion kültere. Culture test is the most effective diagnostic method. Disease by taking blood from the mother during the period of pregnancy occurred antibody status. The herpes virus that occurs in pregnancy also affects the unborn baby. Newborn baby infections likely to occur is around 50%. the unborn baby infection can be transmitted via the placenta. Exposed to the virus in infants, preterm birth, intrauterine growth retardation problems such as livable. In the last three months of pregnancy is diagnosed in the birth canal from infection to avoid possible infection is preferable to cesarean section.

Mycosis: Candidiasis fungal species named during the period of pregnancy is very high possibility of development. It is a type of vaginal infection. Gestation period is a cause for infection. Sexual togetherness instant pain, itching, burning sensation, odorless discharge, symptoms include swelling or redness in the skin. The diagnosis is easy with the examination. In order to prevent fungus cream, shampoo and tablets are recommended. Treatment is important and likely to repeat the peer tedaviside the fungus is very high.

Inflammation of the gallbladder? symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the gallbladder, the language of medicine known as "cholecystitis". As a result of the obstruction of gallbladder fosseptiki appears. In itself this 2 different type of discomfort depending on the progress of the gallbladder büzüldüğü and fonkaiyon have lost their. You can also continuously secreted in bile, in space, and will interfere with the operation of the healthy organ. This is present in the patient's abdomen section seen in gas and bloating after meals.
Occurrence of the disease in conjunction with the gallbladder also inflate over time. The resulting circulate this depending on the edema and nervous disorders can also occur. This is depending on the situation and they decay, and even in the gallbladder perforation are also out of the question.

Inflammation of the gallbladder may cause of the congestion, hereinafter referred to as the gallbladder and stone mud to accumulate in why is also seen. These factors used by the normal gallbladder, depending on the discharge of not being able to build up at the mouth of the channel, and depending on the occurrence of pain. Some time back from the right of the right chest pain caused by bone shovel and is out of the question. This type of cases the disease is more common in people kronikleştiği. In General, inflammation of the gallbladder problems is found in the age group of 40 years and older, overweight women so much more.

Acute inflammation of the gallbladder with stones is a disorder occurring. This type of inflammation in acute medicine at klostit. This can cause discomfort in people who have suddenly emerged and increased in a way that is extremely severe back and shoulder part of the pain. It also increased the fire along with the nausea with vomiting also occur. In the case of both acute and chronic inflammation in time to go to the doctor carries a great significance from the loss.

Inflammation Of The Gallbladder Symptoms:

The most prominent feature of inflammation occurring in the gallbladder, in a serious way, abdominal pain is to occur. Especially on the right side of the abdomen pain that occurred a number of other symptoms, it is possible to see that.
Abdominal pain with a serious temperature rise begins. High fever that is located between the symptoms of discomfort.
After the abdominal pain, pain in the chest and the back of the spread. Especially the gallbladder where it observed that the increase in pain by the time it was done the right pressure.
Inflammation of the gallbladder to the problem-causing factors, nausea and vomiting after meals is known cause.
The cause of the inflammation occurring with pain because of the colour of her skin yellowing.
The reason for this discomfort in some people with skin rashes occur.

It causes inflammation of the outer ear? symptoms and treatment

Outer ear infections: swimmer's ear is also called. External ear infection, outer ear canal irritation and inflammation of the lot is called. Both infectious cases can occur. Peeling of the outer layers of the skin in the ear canal can be seen. In this situation, the language of medicine is called eczema. Eczema is a result of scratching or peeling skin ear duct hatch, bacteria and fungi into the ear canal. Polluted water is the biggest reason to contract this disease to swim in.

Ear secretion is trying to clean up from the channel with a foreign substance skin gets irritated, itches, and cracks and ruptures. The reaction solution may result in extraneous sounds with the exception of those cases the intervention made a risk is the probability of perforation of the ear drum. Ear canal on a lot of things can irritate. These hair sprays and hair dyes are also included. External ear infection can also be caused by the discomfort sometimes mushrooms. This fungus, Aspergillus niger, which is the biggest example of the most common fungi. Furunkulosis bearing the name of the other mushrooms will cause a boil at the ear over and over again. This disorder occurs in young age at frequent intervals.

External Ear Infection Symptoms

In the external ear canal itch
Ear pain
Hearing loss
Pain in ear canal be heard with head movements
Ear yellow and green colors of foul-smelling pus

He Was Diagnosed With Inflammation Of The Outer Ear

Itching in the ear canal, ear pullanması of the skin or in the ear canal inflammation of the outer ear pain that occurs in the symptoms. Most of the time there may be a yellowish or greenish colored discharge from ear to ear. After this discharge in the ears that can sometimes hafifley pain. Ear canal inflammation or tissue swelling that occurs in the channel if the clog starts hearing difficulties and a drastic reduction in hearing. After these complaints, it is best to refer to a physician. Inflammation of the outer ear doctors diagnosed an instrument called an Otoscope to put into the ear canal, they know by looking. If the physician to examine the ear canal inflammation take the lab sends the sample. To not enter the water after I was diagnosed, and it should be noted that engaging in water into the ear. If it stays moist ear canal causes this infection.

External Ear Infection Treatment

This discomfort starts at the time consisting of pain physician can ease some of the ways before. These are a warm cloth or towel, it might be possible with the use of sound and aspirin. Of course these methods are only made to alleviate the pain. After that, you will need to apply directly to a physician. The physician will do this after the ailment first thing to diagnose ear canal on a cotton tip of a bar or absorption instrument cleaning. In these ways and also made some clean cleaning of the ear canal inflammation as a result of the pain pains begin to cross the light and feeling of congestion. Inflammation of the ear itching and decrease physician for ear drops and antibiotics. The physician gave me drops prevents the formation of bacteria and fungi and cleans them. 3 to 4 days is not considered a healing process between physician checks again and this condition in the laboratory sample to incelettirmek.

Their Use In The Treatment Of Inflammation Of The Outer Ear

Drops are applied up to the outer ear covers the entire path
Inflamed ears on top that the patient must be deposited
Drops can be applied with the help of another more easily
Aquinas & Sartre lies sick in a few minutes from place kalkmalıdır

Tonsillitis is caused? symptoms and treatment

Tonsillitis the tonsils the body's defense mechanisms are referred to an abscess occurring in between. This abscess swelling of her throat a large mostly of people and hurt as a result. When we look at the basis of this discomfort, mouth via from microbes have created by birikmek in the tonsil inflammation.

Tonsillitis Symptoms

Yutkunmada strain
Sore throat
Swelling in the throat and neck
Voice change
Nausea and vomiting in pediatric patients

These are typical symptoms of tonsillitis. According to the level of the disease and it is also possible to see an approximation would be more severe symptoms.

Causes Of Tonsil Inflammation

The first reason is the accumulated germs in the mouth. The reason for this discomfort in other hast olabilmeltedir. Tonsillitis that causes other diseases in the body.

Kidney inflammation
Inflammation of the heart
Neck infection
Lung infection
Bone marrow infection
Middle ear infection
Joint infection

Diagnosis and treatment of tonsil Inflammation

Ear, nose and throat specialist diagnosed with a disease, is made by tonsillitis can be easily identified with a simple physical examination. This diagnosis is a person after drug therapy it is possible to be treated uygulanılarak. First patient microbes to break a given antibiotics. Pain and pain medication to cut the rising fever of the person and antipyretic. In addition to the medication the patient must take care of and can heal in less time with the implementation of some applications. The patient can apply measures at home to inflammation of the tonsils can be listed as:

Herself healthy and plenty of rest
Drink lots of water
Extreme cold or extreme heat to stay away from the food and beverage
During the day, gargling with salt water
Take plenty of fruit consumed vitamins
Throat lozenges can relieve the Strait by using
Stay away from cigarettes and smoke
Lay asked environment often referenced and aerate

It causes inflammation of the urinary tract? symptoms and treatment

Urine Infection, a condition that is more common in each period. Urinary tract inflammation seen in other people looking at the incidence of a type of a condition that affects most women. Urinary tract inflammation seen in people with this disorder that causes the feeling of pain and discomfort usually spontaneously. However, in some cases, urinary tract infection and inflammation and is therefore important to pass necessary to use antibiotics for. All in adult humans, as can be seen in children can be seen less in children than adults this discomfort. He was diagnosed with the disease very simple reasons with a urine test. Seen in this disease as the cause of the formation of bacteria in General is seen as the culprit. Under normal conditions, can be browsed easily by the body that bacteria in some cases also the body's defense mechanism by capturing system from top to bottom, and the beginning of the inflammation.

Urinary Tract Infection Causes:

Urinary tract infection causes are listed as follows.

Genital Hygiene
Kidney Stones
Boşalmaması With Full Bladder

Bacteria: inflammation of the urinary tract by impressing a lot of bacteria in the digestive system causes to occur. These bacteria are thrown out of the urine and urine pipe if the region reaches the transition preparations. Bacteria in the urine in general the transition Center is considered through the anus. During cleaning the toilet made when providing toilet paper was first addressed in the anus and genital area behind dokundurulup dokundurulması, üretaya passage of the microbes. Provided that with the switch üretada inflammation status takes place. Urinary tract infection in women more often seen the reason usually stems from this incident.

Genital Hygiene: the right way and correctly applied a toilet cleaning, any possible risk of inflammation and infection that may occur again, which is important as well. Toilet made during cleaning must be made to the front from the back as possible. In this way, the inflammation will minimize the risk of cleaning done. Cleaning of the toilet of the genital area is not the need of the time should be done in an orderly manner. Toilet cleaning the genital area that can be used to for soaps or gels should be preferred. To be held for the genital area clean, except for the area and wear cotton underwear won't do the sweating is very important. If it is used in daily life, such as cosmetic ingredients, these are continuous pad must be changed to the region should not be given the feeling of wetness. If this is not taken such precautions that are required to be taken in the urinary tract inflammation, which will inevitably occur.

Kidney stones: causes inflammation in the urinary tract caused by the blockage in the urinary tract in the most well-known this congestion ... is the kidney, consisting of stones. Kidney stones as small as they appear, and they are not items that damage. It occurs in the region leads to bacteria in rocks and is composed of these bacteria is provided to them by providing breeding habitat. The occurrence of the formation of kidney stones in children and infants is a condition that is quite ordinary.

The bladder With Boşalmaması: If a person cannot do this while the situation is utterly meet the toilet or is delayed in the urine bladder inflammation, which can occur in the urinary tract increases the risk.

Urinary Tract Infection Symptoms:

Don't go to the bathroom too often
Urgent urination
Burning in the genital area and urination pain
Constant urination sensation
Lower abdominal pain that occurs in the
Blood in the urine
Bad odor in genital area
Fever and nausea.